Time for a race report! Several weeks ago Melody let us know about
this first annual race in American Fork and although I procrastinated past the date of getting
two discounts, I signed up anyway. So, last Saturday a bunch of us were up bright and early to run a fun race for a great cause. Julie wasn't feeling quite up to it this time, so she didn't join in, and others of our usual family running mates were out of town or otherwise occupied, but those who were present really enjoyed it.
The course was varied and interesting, starting at the high school, then with a great uphill toward the Mt. Timpanogos temple at about the first mile mark, followed by a nice downhill slope, and then down a nice shaded path that ran along a little river, leading out into the final stretch back to the high school. Besides me, Jonny ran with the kids, and Cami and Jake ran (Jake's first, and with a great time for his first 5K), and Melody, the hardcorest of us all, was up at around 4 am to board the bus that took her and the other half-marathon runners up the canyon for their earlier start and much longer race (which you can read about
here). It sounds like such a nice course that, although the longest race I've ever done so far is a 10K, it makes me wish I had taken her up on her offer to join her for it. I might have died though, so it's probably for the best that I held off for now.

So we had a great time, and I came in at about 21:19 (though by my count it was closer to 21 even), about 6:52/mile, which seems to be about my usual pace for the last year or so of races. I kept a pretty good pace and didn't quite feel like I would die to keep it up, and I even managed to pass up Jonny toward the first half (because he was pushing two kids in the stroller, let it be clearly known--the only times I can outrun him, ha ha), and it seemed to me that I was pretty close to the front of the pack, though I lost track of the head of the team as soon as the half marathon runners merged with us for the last mile or so. There were a lot of runners, so I wasn't looking to place or anything, so imagine my surprise when I checked the results sheet and learned that I was 6th place overall, and 1st in my division! That was a pleasant discovery. (For the record, Jonny was less than a minute behind me, kids in tow and all). There were some discrepancies with timing on the website's posted times (19:52?? I'll take it! New PR!), but it seems to be all sorted out now.

We all placed first in our division! It's so nice that for now Jonny and I are a year apart so we can both win for a while. |
Melody liked Cami's face better in this one so we kept it. I think I look a little more, um, something in it too. Jonny looks classic. |
They had markers and posterboard to make motivational signage for your favorite runners, so we made one for Melody as we watched her triumphant finish to a race more than four times as long as the one we had just finished, and then for fun made one for Jonny and the little ones as they had gone back and ran alongside Melody for her final stretch. Julia was thrilled about the posters.
It's an inside joke! And a long-running one too. |
Even though it was a new race, it was very well-attended, and it was really nicely organized. The breakfast/treats supplied were really great, the cause was good, the atmosphere was fun, the shirts were great quality and the weather was perfect. Maybe we'll make a tradition of this race. It seems a little better than what Strawberry Days has become (though rumor is that race has taken a slight turn for the better since
last year's disappointment). Though, if we do run it next year, we'll surely sign up a little earlier and take advantage of all the early-registration discounts and perks, and hopefully those who were absent and missed will join in the fun next time. Thanks for the heads-up, Melody! Also, much thanks to Melody for the pictures. We forgot our camera this time.
Afterward, I took some breakfast to The Wife (just a little jealous that she was able to have a little bit of a lie-in), and we celebrated the morning's victory by going to the early bird matinee of
Kung Fu Panda 2 and sharing a delicious lunch at Zupas, after which we met my new goshdaughter, Keira. That's a good morning.