Thursday, December 4, 2008

Volunteers Needed! Compensation is a Warm Fuzzy.

For those who didn't receive my mass facebook message last night:

I'm part of a group in my Research, Design and Analysis class, and for our final group project, we're conducting a study on the correlation between fast food consumption, frequency and motivation for exercise, and overall happiness/life satisfaction. As such, we are in need of volunteer participants. All that is required is that you complete a short, anonymous survey, which will take approximately five to ten minutes. Anyone who has a few minutes, and hasn't done so already, please take the time to complete the survey so we will have enough of a sampling to calculate some statistics and make inferences about the population. We need participants of several demographics, so anyone is invited and encouraged to participate. It's painless and easy, and then you can say you were a participant in a psychological study!

Survey here.

Thanks everyone! I'll be sure and post some of the results, if you're interested, including what we've hypothesized, and how the results compare to our predictions. Yay for school.