Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just Call Me Utah Jazz...

And now, for something completely different...

All right, all right, although it's against all my better judgment and taste, I'll put it up...

I'm a Jasper! I found out through Which Twilight Male Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Sheesh... Still, it could be far, far worse.


  1. WHA?!?! Who are you? I expected to come to this blog to find hope from all the despair that surrounds this cruel and twisted world, and what do I find? Just don't do it, Drew! It's not worth it! Take it off! Take it off!

  2. Ha ha! Well, Carlisle is the only other person I would have been somewhat satisfied with (or Jacob). If anyone, you're definitely a Carlisle.

    And, don't you worry... I have something dramatic coming right up. Kuv sau qhov no mostly rau Ntsuj Hli xwb.

  3. Hey, Jaspers get Alices. Nuff said.

  4. Why Drew? Why? I thought you were posting that pictures as a joke, because it was so horrendously awful, and looks like a joke. That movie is going to just suck.

  5. Haha I love that you took that. I took it too and I'm a Carlisle. :P Except in real life I don't think I am at all. Fun times.

  6. This is Emily on Cami's computer.

    Hmmm...I'm Edward, and I think the description is actually pretty close.

    But I'm not going to post it because I'm too cool. Ha!

  7. What's with the chicks doing the dudes' quiz? There's one for the females, too.

    Oh, how I wish I were Bella!

    Kuab Ci, koj hais dabtsi? Ib qho dramatic, los? Qhov ko txhais li cas ne?

  8. Oh, Jasper. My my, I'm feeling calmer already.
