Friday, June 17, 2011


Less than a month before we finally get to see the movie, and almost two months after the last trailer was released, we have another one!  Although this shows a lot of exciting new clips, I think the first one might be a little more exciting still.  (You wouldn't believe how excited we were to see it on the big screen last week when we went to see Super 8.  The Breaking Dawn, Part 1 trailer on the other hand?  *retch*)  Can you believe this might be the last new Harry Potter trailer we ever see?

So, here it is!  Enjoy!

I just love the trailers that refer to the previous movies. Such a nice feeling of continuity.  And, just for fun, here are a couple of the more recent posters revealed.

Just a few weeks left now!!!  I can't believe it's all almost over, but I'm too excited right now to be sad.  :D

1 comment:

  1. Let's celebrate by playing Lego HP allllll over again from scratch! :D
