Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Cynic and a Drag

Today I was referred to as "a cynic and a drag," reportedly due largely to what I post here on my blog (you know who you are, you rascal, you!). If my worldview and crazy habit of standing up for traditional values and striving to live God's word and share my beliefs with others qualifies me as cynical, that's news to me. But I'll consent to be a drag if this is what makes a person one.

It's just funny to me how some people, even dear old kith and kin, can jump to extremes and say that because we disagree on politics or American Idol contestants it means that we'll "never agree on anything." I mean... seriously? Isn't blood stronger than this? Besides, if you post something in a public venue, you basically invite people to post their responses. That's the way the blogosphere works.

In conclusion, everyone is cynical about something (maybe a better word is realistic?). I'm perfectly upbeat and downright optimistic about certain things! In fact, I feel like my blog is a fairly balanced representation of who I am, the ups and the downs. It does seem that my blog is getting read more widely than I thought as well, which is rather interesting.

P.S. I don't even want to start on how "cynical" some people were when Bush was elected... and re-elected.


  1. Now, now, be nice in the blogosphere! :) You TELL that kith AND kin!

  2. Drew! I haven't read your blog in forever but thought I would jump over after browsing facebook today...Oh, and I looked up synonyms for opinionated (which I think you are) and cynic and drag were not on the list! Maybe his library(pronounced in the most annoying way that only cousins could possibly think funny) card expired???

  3. drew, i agree with you that blood should be thicker than this. it is a shame that some choose to harm relationships over difference of opinion...

  4. This is like YOU (Drew) the pot calling the kettle black.

  5. Anonymous strikes again!!! I've missed you so!

  6. Actually I have never posted on your blog. Is the F5 key your favorite?

  7. My favorite key is 7 because I'm a fan of a good old ampersand.

    (I know you didn't ask me, Anonymous, what my favorite key is, but I like answering questions. )

  8. Control, you kill me! I personally am also rather fond of the F7 and F8, as they are quite functional in adjusting the brightness of my laptop screen.

    And, "New" Anonymous, if you truly are posting for the first time, allow me to reiterate my feelings on anonymous commenting: I think it's cowardly and shameful, but I don't believe in censorship (unless it's something obscene or overtly offensive), so I leave them up for all to see and enjoy the humor of the situation. Welcome (back)!

  9. i totally agree... all i hear of you is on this blog and it really does seem like you've given up on all of humanity unless it relates to the gospel. *sigh*... i know you aren't this way, so i guess my only response is that i need to see you in person more to avoid this fake drew.

  10. But, Lindsay... all of humanity DOES relate to the gospel... Silly girl. If anything, the one that cares about meaningless things of the world is the fake Drew, and this is the real one.

    Besides, I post about fluffy things a lot. In fact, I'm about to post some now!

  11. Oh anon... have you ever heard of a clever thing called google analytics? If you haven't, perhaps you should investigate!

    So ironic you should choose to post on this particular...

  12. just to let you know Drew, in case you're wondering, anon is not me nor my wife. I don't know who it is.
