Sunday, May 4, 2008

Silent Drive Home...

Hello. We had a lovely weekend in Moab. I spent much of it with an "unsightly growth" in my ear (as Elise would call it), my iPod earbud, providing a subtle soundtrack to my life, especially useful as we walked around and as I spent time by myself, resting or reading. The iPod itself spent most of its time in my pocket, the whole apparatus hardly perceptible by anyone else. We had a great time, watching Todd and Mike golf in the two-day tournament, watching the girls swim in the pool (enough to turn their hair green!), watching good movies, visiting with Grandma and Grandpa, overall relaxing.

The only sorrow is thus: Today, after a nice visit to the Moab 4th Ward for church services and a short walk to see some petroglyphs and some big, red rocks, I went to watch the little girls at the pool. There I was, sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet on the first step, cooling my tootsies, when I stood up to let some newcomer kiddies get in. The one time, of course, that my iPod is in my lap and not in my pocket is the time I stand up over open water... It fell and pulled free of its earbud cord with a sickening splash, falling into water not even a foot deep. The good: I grabbed it immediately, seriously not even two seconds in the water. Some water dripped out of it, and it seems any water that had entered the earbud jack (which seems to have been the only entrance to its innards) exited. It was covered in its leather case (which is actually quite all-covering when closed, and which wasn't even completely wet, when examining the velvety inside lining). The bad: It was 'on' when dropped, and then, when tried, continued to play after being retrieved, but only for about ten more seconds, when the screen went blank and hasn't returned. I also tried to turn it on several times since then, but have decided on the advice of many to wait several days for it to dry completely before trying to turn it on. This seems to be a common problem, and I have much reason to hope (mostly because of this website--luckily mine didn't fall into a toilet). This stupid little thing is too important to me (mostly because of sentimental, but also financial and entertainment reasons), and while there are many variables like and unlike stories I've read online, I'm still hoping that in a few days, my little toy will be as good as new. I've barely had it for seven months.


Anyway, other than that, great trip! Nice weekend, and looking forward to this week.

P.S. One more plus--the thing was also wrapped in a protective plastic covering, so that prevented a lot of water from penetrating certain places. Really, I'm only worried about the earbud jack.

P.P.S. No, I did not drop my iPod again into the water to take the above picture. That photo is courtesy of a google image search for "iPod in water".

UPDATE! The iPod is now sitting propped in front of a desk fan, hopefully having a nice drying. Almost two days since the plunge, we'll see what happens in a few more.


  1. Ugh. I know that sickening splash. Ethan dropped my camera in a pool once, as I watched.

  2. Another bummer! Here's hoping your ipod recovers.

  3. And, to be fair, the ride home wasn't silent. Mom and I did do some quiet reading, but then we watched Enchanted on my little DVD player (Mom's first time, I insisted, and as predicted, she loved it).

  4. So does it work? I really hope so.

  5. We put our iPod shuffle through the washing machine, and after about 6 weeks of drying out, it worked again! You might also try taking it to a Mac store, they might have good suggestions.
