Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Should I?...

So today in the advertisement mailer from the Scera (local movie and outdoor theater) I read that they're having their 3rd annual "Celebrity" competition (link here), which is basically a knock-off local version of American Idol, and for some reason, I just kept thinking... why not? I actually know Emily Noxon, the winner from last year, so I thought it might be worth it, just for fun. It's the kind of thing where I think if I don't, I'll always wonder what if. And, the promised performances for the winner/runners-up sounds actually like a fun way to spend the next several months, and you never know what happens after that! It might be cheesy, but I've been in enough of these local competitions (as well as in the eternal lines among the throngs of hopefuls in the actual AI competition) to know to take these things for what they are. The only thing I would be out is $30 for registration fee (which at this time in my life is actually a substantial amount of cash), but I think that's not too bad for the chance to perform with a live band and for a live audience. It's just a rush to me, I guess.

So, what does everyone think? Should I go for it? What do I have to lose?


  1. If you do it, I think you should sing a rousing rendition of "We are the people of the U-S-A..."

  2. Ya man. Why not? It beat working.

  3. You really should do it Drew. Even just for the fun of it. No feeling comapares to that of singing on stage!

  4. I think you should totally go for it! I miss doing these singing things! You should definitely do it, even if it is just so I can live vicariously through you.
